Friday, March 07, 2008

Going, Going, Gone...

I've been nagged by the very few readers of this blog as to the complete lack of postings over the past many months.

Well, I've got more than enough reasons.

One: I'm just not a compulsive blogger and don't feel the urge to update all the time. Even when online, I just don't spend much time surfing around.

Two: I have no Internet access in my building, and have to drive several blocks to get a signal.

Three: Prior to the writer's strike, I was working often and regularly in that last spurt of employment before the ax fell on everyone in the industry.

Four: While this was going on, I also had a hefty writing assignment for an out-of-state university that took up a lot of free time.

But finally, and foremost, I spent the last 7+ months watching my stepmother die of ovarian cancer and dealing with that anguish with my immediate family. My father is elderly and needs a lot of support, so what free time I do have to myself, I try to keep for myself and not the blog.

So, I've decided that my heart really isn't in this blog, and therefore am giving forewarning to you all that I shall probably shut it down in the next few weeks.

My thanks again to those you who have taken the time to read it over the past few years.
