Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Dark Side of the Rose Parade I

"There are fields, Neo, endless fields." Posted by Hello

Come this Saturday almost 350 million viewers in more than 80 countries will curl up on the couch and watch the 116th Annual Tourament of Roses Parade, aka "The Rose Parade." For those of us born and raised "in town" it is just part of the holiday season, along with fruit cakes and other forms of questionable holiday festivities. In the coming days, I invite you to take a look at some of what really happens leading up to and during the Rose Parade in the "Dark Side of the Rose Parade" series.

Today I begin with our own "Welcome Wagon" complete with barricades, No Parking signs, random searchers of autos, and bleachers, bleachers, everywhere. The route is 5.5 miles long with a hill just past the TV cameras on top of the Elks Lodge and a freeway overpass to duck underneath, before ending in a residential area - the last 1/2 mile. The mix of topography, potential pitfalls, and businesses makes it a much more varied and *interesting* experience than the cameras can capture. For the next 4-6 days (depending where you live), it seems the whole of the LA basin has chosen to decamp on your doorstep.

Welcome to Pasadena - Assume the Position. Posted by Hello

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